Our fifth day in Zell am See was spent skiing on the main Schmitten area above the town. Still lots of fresh snow but a bit chopped up from all the skiers.

Schmitten trees
Top lifts were closed again because of the strong winds so we skied down a black run to switch to the other side of the mountain.
Quite a few moguls on lots of the slopes.
The day brightened later on giving bigger views to the more distant mountains.
A few good shots on my Mamiya 7 camera.
Our sixth and last day was spent walking rather than skiing.

Zell am See from Thumersbach
My bad back was painful so I thought a walk would be better for it.

View across lake from Zell am See
We decided to walk around the lake, which was about 8.5 miles.

Zell am See sunset
I took photos with my Mamiya 7 camera on 4 of the 6 days, exposing all 8 rolls of Ilford 120 film (10 shots to a roll), 4 x Ilford Delta 400 rated at 320 ISO, and Ilford FP4+. Mostly the shots were handheld but I did use my small Gitzo tripod for the shots in Zell at dusk.

Last Zell am See apres ski
I would have taken more film but we were flying from Manchester and they refused my written request, made several weeks in advance, for a hand search of my film. However, I put the film in a Domke lead-lined bag and this went through the x-ray scanner with my hand luggage. They pulled it to one side after the scan, as the lead blocks all x-rays, and then did a hand search with swabs for banned substances. I got the all clear and breathed a big sigh of relief! No x-rays on my films.
Despite what airports and Ilford say I have seen x-ray damage on my FP4 negatives after just 3 passes through hand luggage scanners. With Delta 400 being almost twice as sensitive to light and x-rays as FP4+, damage was much more likely to happen.
On the return, Salzburg airport did a hand search as soon as we requested it, as they had done a couple of years earlier.
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