Jan and I are in Zell am See in Austria for the skiing and photography.
Today was our first day of skiing and the weather was great, blue sky above the lowest lifts but with a cloud inversion over the lake and valley below – all day. Snow was mostly good with just a few icy patches lower down. I have my Mamiya 7 camera with me, loaded with Ilford 400 Delta 120 film, and took 18 shots during the day. That’s almost 2 rolls of film with just 10 shots to a roll.
I brought just 8 rolls in total so I’m being selective in what I take. We flew from Manchester for a change but they refused my written request several weeks ago for a hand search of my film, hand searches are against their policy. I would have brought at least double the films if they had agreed to a hand search. I put the film in a Domke lead-lined bag. It went through the x-ray scanner but they pulled it to one side for a hand inspection as the bag worked, they couldn’t see the film inside it using x-rays. They pulled the films out of the bag, took a swab, tested it in the machine that checks for drugs and explosives. The films were given the all clear. So they ended up doing the hand search on my films that they refused to do and the lead-lined bag did it’s job.
Here are a few images taken on my Motorola Moto-X phone to give you an idea of what it was like.

Zell am See lake late afternoon

Above the clouds

Sun trying to break through

Skiing in the clouds

Clouds in the valley

Zell am See Schmitten above the clouds

Jan caught me in action

Our first Apres Ski for this trip
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