We’re doing the Great peak District Fair this weekend in Buxton Pavilion Gardens. After an absence of 3 years the show returns into the newly restored Octagon building. The first thing you notice is how light it now is, much better to display our work at fairs.
Jan is manning our stand on her own and has lots of my darkroom hand prints, the final few sample poster prints at low prices (when they’re gone they’re gone – no more!). There’s also a good few of Jan’s natural colour photos.
The show is open 10am to 5pm both today and tomorrow, 13th-14th October 2018. Oh, nearly forgot to add there’s also a beer festival if the Art, Craft and Farmers Market isn’t enough!

Great Peak District Fair, 13th October 2018

Great Peak District Fair, 13th October 2018

Great Peak District Fair, 13th October 2018

Great Peak District Fair, 13th October 2018