Yet another hot and sunny day in the Peak District. Blue sky and very few clouds. Still good water levels in streams and rivers so a good time to visit the Peaks. I took a few shots yesterday in Buxton […]
Yet another hot and sunny day in the Peak District. Blue sky and very few clouds. Still good water levels in streams and rivers so a good time to visit the Peaks. I took a few shots yesterday in Buxton […]
This weekend, 23rd to 25th May 2009, I will be holding an Open Studio at Briarwood. If you would like to come by and see the gallery, studio/workshop and darkroom then this is an excellent time as I will be […]
I have been a bit for the last few weeks so no time to post thoughts here. Will try and rectify in future. My new web site is rapidly taking shape. It should be live within 2 weeks from now. […]
Just finished marking up the contact prints for my USA photos, the ones from Colorado, Utah, Chicago and Boston taken in January and early February. I’m going to scan the negatives and then put them on the web. There are […]
We finished Focus on Wednesday and were away pretty quickly – Jan managed to talk her way past the security gates to reach the doors nearest our stand before they let anyone else through! Hope you managed to come by […]
I have been back from the USA photo trip 10 days now. Ran my first course of the year on Thursday – a darkroom printing workshop. A very productive session for both Richard and Bob, 4 prints each and a […]
We are just driving to Vail ski area after a very succesful week in Utah. Blue skies all the time and snow on the ground made for some spectacular shots. Over 90 rolls (10 shots per roll) so far, lots […]
Just arrived in Bryce Canyon. Good forecast for tomorrow.Already have good shots from snowy Chicago, Keystone ski area, Goblin Valley Utah, amongst others. Should be some good ones! Lots of snow but VERYcold at tlmes! Lots of variety in scenery.Lots […]
Just waiting to board flight to Chicago. This is mainly a trip for Colorado and Utah landsapes but staying in Chicago and Boston en route for city shots too. Using skis and snowshoes to move around locations. Fingers crossed for […]
Almost Christmas!Nearly the end of the year but no sign of snow for a white Christmas.. Down in Hertfordshire at the moment, fingers crossed for reasonable weather and a few photos. Only 2 weeks until we leave for USA photo […]
Here are some photographs taken by Dave Crabtree on my Peak District black and white landscape photography course in September. As you can see Dave has taken some excellent photographs. Dave Butcher
I have now added well over 60 pictures to my web site from my recent trip to Yosemite National Park. Here are a few more to tempt you to have a look. More tree shots to come soon from the […]
Our next event is the Artist andDesigners Fair in Buxton Pavilion Gardens, 10am to 4.30pm, Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th July. The will be the usual mix of framed and unframed pictures, fine art posters as well as Peak Light […]
My web site now has a new section called Yosemite under Landscapes. You can get to it from the home page: There is 1 page of 20 black and white photographs so far added with access from the home […]
I will have a small display of my exhibition black and white photographs and be signing copies of Peak Light at Waterstones Book shop in Macclesfield on Saturday 28th June, 9am to 5.30pm.Why not come along for a chat and […]
I have set up a gallery-type exhibition at Peak Village, Rowsley. This is just off the A6 between Matlock and Bakewell. Take the turn for Chatsworth from the A6 and after 100 yards turn left into Peak Village. There is […]
First posted 20th June 2008Reposted 23rd August 2014I’m not sure why Blogger threw this post out while I was adding labels to it so that it was indexed but the only way to get it back into my blog appears […]
I recently returned from a trip to the USA. I tried to write a blog from there but my Blackberry wouldn’t give me the sign in screen. Dave Butcher
Here are some photographs taken on Landscape Photography courses with Dave Butcher. I hope you like them! They are by Stephen Bell, taken 12-April-2008. Dave Butcher
Our next show is in New York. We have a stand (2030, Hall 1E) at the Surtex trade show for licensing images for use on surfaces and textiles. Sunday 18th to Tuesday 20th May 2008, Jacob Javits Centre, Manhattan. We […]
I have added about 30 new black and white pictures to my main web site, They include black and white photographs of trees, waterfalls, castles, a ruined abbey, a seaside pier and a vineyard and chateau in Switzerland. Places […]
There are still places available on my black and white darkroom courses. These are for beginners and improvers and teach you how make good black and white prints quickly and easily with basic techniques such as split-grade printing. You will […]
There are still places available on my Peak District landscape photography courses. These are specifically to teach you how to take or improve your black and white landscape photographs. They are equally applicable for digital and film camera users and […]
The next event for Dave Butcher Photography is fast approaching – the Artist and Designer’s Fair in the Octagon of the Pavilion Gardens in Buxton. The dates are Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March 2008. It’s open from 10 am […]
The Pump Room gallery in Buxton opened at Easter for 2008. This is the main exhibition space for the local artist group, High Peak Artists and Craft Workers Association. It will remain open every day until the end of September, […]
My exhibition called ‘Peak Light’, linked to the book of the same name, finishes on Easter Monday (24th March). There are 36 large exhibition black and white photographs to see, all taken in the beautiful Peak District National Park. It […]
I have written 2 books on my black and white landscape photography: ‘High Light – The Landscape Photography of Dave Butcher’ is available once more after being reprinted in 2007. It is available from for £12.99 including p&p. ‘Peak […]
The original print run of High Light, my first book, had just about sold out. Don’t panic though, I have just had it reprinted so there are lots of copies available once again. I have been working on a new […]
All images are copyright © Dr. Dave Butcher and may not be downloaded, copied or reproduced in any way without prior written permission. All rights are reserved.
for Dave Butcher clearance and discontinued original prints at greatly reduced prices, between £6 and £30 (reduced from usual prices £15 to £250).
for Dave Butcher DarkroomDave YouTube Channel with freely available videos of darkroom techniques.
Blogger Blog Posts – similar posts to those on my blog here but with bigger pictures.
my wife has retired as a professional photographer. Her work is available by special order only. Please use the Contact form on this website for all enquiries.